Hi, all,

I am creating a typical Master-Detail page which shows a resultset from a

I am very new to Struts, would like to get your opinion on this to see if
this is the best way to do things...so say I do a query in a data bean and
get a resultset back, then I populate each record in the resultset into an
object.  To display those results on a page, I am thinking saving the object
array in request scope in the action servlet, something like:

Vector userList = new Vector();

...populate userList vector with info from the resultset...

request.setAttribute("userList", userList);
return (mapping.findForward("showUsers"));

and then in the view JSP showUsers.jsp I use iterate tag to display the
result, like so:

<logic:iterate name="userList" id="users" scope="request" ...>
<bean:write name="users" property="name">
<bean:write name="users" property="gender">

Is this the best way to do this sort of stuff in Struts?  Thanks for your

- boon

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