Hi there...

I posted a question on a class cast exception yesterday....and Im not 
getting any further..

I give you the important code on the next lines...and hopefully your 
able to help me

entry in struts-config
<form-bean     name="SimpleForm"

form - bean
public class MyActionForm extends ActionForm {

    private String param1;
    public String getParam1(){
        return param1;
    public void setParam1(String param){



public class StrutsAction extends Action{
    public StrutsAction() {

    public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
                 ActionForm form,
                 HttpServletRequest request,
                 HttpServletResponse response)
           throws IOException, ServletException
    MyActionForm myActionForm = (MyActionForm) form;
    myActionForm.setParam1("_new value");
        return mapping.findForward("forward");

When connecting to the action (action.do) I get a class cast exception......
and I dont know why..

any help would be appreciated...

(** have seen starwars this night ... **)

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