Hi Max,

Thanks for your reply.

After speaking with our web designer I realized that 'testexpr' was just a
custom extension to the html text element that he added for validation,
moving this into a styleClass will do the trick.

As far as the input image tag goes, when I looked at the html spec for 4.01
on the w3c site there appears to be no attribute for the input tag for
height/width, I think the browsers support it but it's not in the spec.  I
suspect this is why the struts version doesn't support it.  So, in this case
I simply removed the height/width attributes and everything was fine (the
image was the right size anyway).

There were no other tag related issues.


-----Original Message-----
From: Max Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 10:29 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: problems migrating struts tags - weblogic 5.1 - 6.1 (has no

Oops, oh yeah, I guess that is a problem. I don't have a good solution, but
I can think of a few things that might be worth investigation/consideration:

1. See if you can turn strict checking off in weblogic.xml
2. Add the methods you need to the tag handler classes. (sounds painful)
3. Figure out how to modify the tag handler class to pass-thru any
unrecognized attributes, perhaps using a proxy object to intecept the setter
calls (if that will pass the compiler) or perhaps there is some way to map
all the attribute setter calls to a single dummy method, and then write out
any unrecognized attributes if you can retrieve them somehow. This doesn't
seem like a promising avenue of investigation to me at this point.
4. Find some alternative to using the unrecognized attributes and eliminate
them from the tags in your JSP. Not a very attractive alternative, I know.

Well, I hope #1 turns out to be a possibility.

Good luck,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michelle Popovits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 5:34 AM
Subject: RE: problems migrating struts tags - weblogic 5.1 - 6.1 (has no

> Hi Max,
> Yesterday, I did try adding one of the attributes (testexpr) to the tld
> but it came back with another error, I think it was expected there to be a
> method
> in the tag which, of course, did not exist.
> Is there something that I missed doing?

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