Don't use <html:link>.  Use <html:form action="index" method="post">.
Submit will pass all the values as a hashmap and you can retrieve them by
simply calling the getParameter() method of the request object.
Alternatively, if you are using an ActionForm (and you should be), the form
object passed to your Action class will contain all the values and can be
retrieved by instantiating the form like

MyActionForm myBean = (MyActionForm) form;
String value = myBean.getValue();
String value1 = myBean.getValue1();



-----Original Message-----
From: siraj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2000 6:34 AM

hello team ,

     can some one help in passing multiple parameters with a html link

i have a link where i need to pass around 10 parameters which have dynamic

any how i used

<html:link page="" paramid="value" pramName="xyz"
parampropery="value"> which allows me to pass only one parameter

i would highly appreciate for the help thanks in advance


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