There is several strategies.
  Are you sure that you need one single form for navigation and body ?

   *   If  navigation and body aren't related, you can put several forms, only one 
will be selected by browser when submitting.
   *   If navigation and body are related, you need a common ancestor in the Tiles 
philosophy. A common ancestor is a tiles that will insert related sub-tiles. This 
ancestor contains the form, and sub-tiles contains form's elements.
     In your case, you can have an ancestor body playing this role, and inserting the 
navigation and real body

  Hope this help,


Sri Sankaran wrote:

> Struts version: 1.0.2
> Servlet engine: Tomcat 4.0.2
> I am trying to build a wizard framework using Tiles.  It follows the standard 
>Windows wizard metaphor with a body panel and navigation buttons below.  I am running 
>into a problem and would like any opinions/suggestions.
> A logical use of Tiles would call for the body and nav buttons to be separate tiles 
>that are combined using the tileDefinitions file.  For example:
>   <definition name="Wizard" path="/wizardLayout.jsp">
>     <put name="title"            value="Title.jsp"/>
>     <put name="body"          value=""/>
>     <put name="navigation"   value="Nav.jsp"/>
>   </definition>
>   <!-- Intro page -->
>   <definition name="Intro" extends="Wizard">
>     <put name="body"            value="workflow/intro/intro.jsp"/>
>   </definition>
> Here, the wizardLayout.jsp is solely responsible, as the name suggests, for laying 
>out the various tiles using necessary HTML tags.
> The problem with this strategy is that by separating the body and nav into separate 
>tiles limits the use of the Struts <html:form> tag.  Firstly, the begin and end form 
>tag must be in the same JSP.  This prevents the tag from beginning in the 'body' tile 
>and ending in the 'navigation' tile.  There are other complications, even if I'm 
>willing to compromise the design and place the <html:form> tag in the layout page 
>(wizardLayout.jsp above).  This would require some convoluted JavaScript that sets 
>the form's action attribute on each page.
> The only workaround I have found is to have the body & the navigation in the same 
>tile; in other words -- not have a 'navigation' tile at all.  This has a serious 
>shortcoming in that it forces every body panel (i.e. every page in the wizard) to 
>have knowledge of layout and therefore responsible for its maintenance.
> I really like the concept of Tiles and would love to use it to its fullest.  Do you 
>have any suggestions?  Am I missing something fundamental?
> Sri
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