
i need help to understand following code. i understand that "histLstForm" is 
the name of form bean. but i don't understand how does <bean:write> know 
that there are multiple vales of "question" property of "histLstForm" bean?

How does it perform a loop on all the values of "question" property of 
"histLstForm" bean? because it it calls getter funtion on "question" 
property it will give one value, so how does it know there are multiple 

Following code is from vic's DB sample.

<logic:iterate id="i" name="histLstForm">
<bean:write name="histLstForm" property="question"/></td><td>
<bean:write name="histLstForm" property="ans"/></td><td>
<bean:write name="histLstForm" property="dateCont"/></td><td>
<bean:write name="histLstForm" property="typ"/></td><td>
<bean:write name="histLstForm" property="cost"/></td>

Please do help me.


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