> Hello,
>    I am using struts 1.0.2 for developing web based intranet application. 
>    I have 3 Iframes within a browser page ( header Iframe on the top of
> the page, navigation Iframe on the left and content Iframe at the center).
> Each Iframe has a JSP associated with it which contains form elements
> including a submit and a reset button.
> I have come up with 2 design strategies :
>     strategy 1-   Each Iframe has one Action Form or form bean i.e. 3 for
> beans for 3 Iframes.
>     strategy 2 - Single action form for all the three Iframes i.e. action
> form holds data of all the 3 Iframes. 
>     and I would like to have your comments on it in terms of which
> strategy is best and why ?. 
>      I understand that with struts framework, only one action form can be
> passed to perform method to the associated action class. 
> Following are the pros and cons that I have come up with : 
> A.     When I select 3 form beans i.e. one form bean for each Iframe.
>      Let's say that header Iframe is mapped to HeaderForm bean, navigation
> Iframe is mapped to NavForm, and content Iframe to 
> ContentForm bean.
>     1. When the entire page gets loaded in the browser, instances of all
> the 3 form beans are created (if they are not in the specified scope ). 
>     2. When I click on submit button of one of the Iframes (say Content
> Iframe), only the form associated with that Iframe (i.e. Content Iframe)
> gets submitted, setter method of ContentForm are called and instance of
> the ContentForm bean is passed as one of the arguments to the perform
> method of the corresponding action class. (setter methods of HeaderForm
> bean and NavForm bean are not called.)
>     3. The advantage here I get that, any design change in the Iframe (say
> Content Iframe) has impact on only corresponding Action Form (ContentForm)
> class and other classes ( HeaderForm and NavForm ) remain unchanged.
>     4. The disadvantage I get here is that, more no. of action form
> instances are created.
> B.    When I select Single (One)   Action Form (form bean) for all 3
> Iframes.
>     1. When the page gets loaded in the browser, only one instance of form
> bean is created (if it is not available in the specified scope).   
>     2. Here, Action form contains getter and setter methods for all the
> properties that are available in all the 3 Iframes. Although, when I click
> on submit button, only setter methods for the properties of submitted form
> are called, and instance of the form bean is passed to perform method of
> associated action class.
>     3. I face problem when I try to implement, reset and validate method.
> If I have 1 reset button in a form for each Iframe (total 3 reset buttons
> in the entire page), on click of any reset button, reset() method of
> Action Form bean gets called.
>     I feel that strategy 1 offers more advantages in terms of flexibility
> that it offers when it comes to handling change in the design, but as far
> as performance is concerned,   I would not i prefere strategy 1, since it
> creates more number of instances. 
> I would like to know which strategy is best  and why? If you have any
> other idea of implementing the same. Please let me know.
>   I appreciate your early response, 
>   thanks 
> - Vijay  
>    _____  
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