Vic (or anyone else familiar with webPIM ),

I've been studying the webPIM app a bit more and I'm a little unclear
how an update or insert would be handled with this architecture or
even the best way to have data from a JSP form populate the form bean.

I'm sure I'm missing something but it looks like you can do it two
ways.. I notice in NameZoomBean each setter goes and updates a
CachedRowset column name. Then I notice in NameLstBean you have the
setter act like I'm used to where it populates an instance variable.
Now I also notice in NameListBean if you wanted to have a method in
there called insert() you could get a handle to the DAO and then call
appropriate getters. For example:

   insert() {
     this.nameLstDAO.insert( this.getMsgFstName(), etc )

Would this be how you would do an inset in webPIM? If so then I take
it for these form beans you would always need two types of that returns from the CachedRowset and another to return
the instance variable (like NameLstBean)? Or do you handle
updates/inserts some other way? ( maybe even passing in a reference to
the form bean itself to the DAO ? ). Or maybe just using setters and
getters like the are in NameZoomBean so that you don't need to have
two types of getters?

I'm confused here. Thanks for some clarification.



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