> My current thinking is that objects from the model package are indeed 
> destined to be cached in the session and application scopes, but only 
> as generic Object references (Beans). i.e.:
> - User submits login form.
> - Login Action gets called, marshals username, password to login() 
> function of business logic.
> - Business logic consults database (with Connection from DataSource 
> cached in 'registry')
> - (If password is correct), login() returns new UserBean Object
> - Login Action installs UserBean Object in session scope, then 
> forwards to next page
> - JSP components read whatever user-displayable junk they need from 
> stored UserBean.
> Is this not an acceptable way to do it?  IIUC You seemed to react with 
> alarm to the notion ("surely you don't have any model components 
> hanging around in sessions or application scope?").  Hence my 
> explanation.

I don't think a bean with user data is a model bean - it's a data bean 
or data transfer bean or at least the acronym is DTO.

state beans, that's EJB-speak isn't it? Not sure whether it means the 
same thing.

VO for value object - that might also be the same thing but I'm not sure.

What you outline above would be what I'd do

>>  From general discussion on this list your assumption about the 
>> 'right way' would be correct - pass all you need into the model 
>> components as parameters.
> By subclassing ActionServlet to properly initialize the back end, then 
> using that ActionServlet rather than the 'stock' one? 

I mean by passing it to the model object when you instantiate it in your 
Action perform(). I haven't done it your way using a Registry


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