> I'm trying to use a form-based login on a Bea WLS 6.1. Is there anyone
> who has experience with this using struts??
> I don't know exactly how to set the actionmapping, because 
> BEA wants the
> action of the form pointing to j_security_check.
> Does anyone has a working example for this problem?

Do you need to have your own login functionality?

If so, you're going to have to kludge. Otherwise follow the advice
from another poster that said to point your default page to a protected
JSP page and you should be fine.

The only cross-platform solution that we came up with that worked
half decently while working on the same problem with WebSphere
was to have our login action forward to a JSP page that contains a
hidden HTML form with j_username and j_password calling
j_security_check. The hidden form is automatically submitted
by a JavaScript function when the page has finished loading.

If you do this, you have to make sure you set the redirecting
URL for j_security_check correctly in your login action, so that
WebLogic knows where to redirect after execution of j_security_check
is complete. WebSphere uses a cookie for setting it, Tomcat uses
a session attribute and I have no idea what WebLogic uses for it.


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