> PS: Anybody have examples that have file uploads/downloads?

There's some sample code for file upload that was contributed at:

http://www.jcorporate.com/product/expresso.html > Documents link > scroll
down to "Community Contributed Documents" and click the "Code for Browsing
to File to Upload" link.

Alternatively go direct to:

There is also the code to download files within the open source Expresso
project. You can see a demo of it onsite:
http://www.jcorporate.com/product/expresso.html > Demo link > Security link
then scroll down to download files and download definitions.

We use this feature on the jcorporate site to define and make downloads
available to our user community. In some cases we want to restrict downloads
to certain user groups and this allows us to do that as well. It also
enables us to track the number of downloads so that the community can gauge
a project.


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