Struts still is somewhat cumbersome for me. It needs time to master it
perhaps, and probably I have some way to go.

My first question: Is there any tag library that are used only for
presenting some database data on JSPs?
A conceptual tag library like the following would be helpful, IMHO. 

  <db:select id="attr" query="SELECT name,description FROM mytable">
    <mylogic:iterate name="attr">
       name=<mylogic:write col="1">,
       description=<mylogic:write col="2"><br>

Instead of developing beans, one may quicly create a JSP do display some
data from a data source.

Second question is related with the first one. I don't have a long timed
background with Application Servers, Tomcat or struts. Isn't there any
impact on performance by using beans everywhere? I mean for a simple
"select" on database and show in a JSP I need a Collection that contains
all my rows as beans and later use with logic:iterate. I have a very
long background on web development with PHP, Tcl (Aolserver) Perl etc.
It's OK to seperate view from application logic, but isn't it very

I downloaded artimus to learn something from. It was a waste of time. 
Developing a system like artimus seems too much work. Is it that hard?
Framework over framework? I mean the "scaffold" thing.

I agree "design" is the most period of a development process. A small
system with only a few pages seems to take days or weeks. But there
aren't there time-to-market restrictions? 

Please don't get me wrong, there is no offence. I just want to
understant the picture better. Again please don't get me wrong.


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