We have all of our jsp's under Web-Inf.  Therefore, you must call the
action class to get to a web page.  This all works great except for our
welcome page called welcome.jsp that was built with Struts Tiles.  If we go
to the browser and just type
"http://localhost:8080/FedDebtWeb/controllers/welcome"; we can get to the
welcome page.  If we type only "http://localhost:8080/FedDebtWeb"; it does
not find the welcome.jsp page.  Any suggestions on how to make this work?
Thanks, Pete Gabriel

Here are the code snippets for the different files:

    <!-- Action Servlet Mapping -->

    <!-- The Welcome File List -->


    <!-- ========== Global Forward Definitions
============================== -->
            <forward name="/welcome"            path="/controllers/welcome"
    <!-- ========== Action Mapping Definitions
============================== -->

        <action path="/welcome" type=
                  <forward name="page" path="views.welcome"/>

    <definition name="standardLayout" path=
        <put name="title" value="FedDebt"/>
        <put name="menu" value="menu"/>
        <put name="header" value="header"/>
        <put name="footer" value="footer"/>

    <!-- =======================================================  -->
    <!-- Welcome page definition                                  -->
    <!-- =======================================================  -->

    <definition name="views.welcome" extends="standardLayout">
        <put name="body" value="/WEB-INF/views/body/welcome.jsp"/>

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