It turns out that on our project they are overriding several methods in 
the ActionServlet one of which changes the way the cancel button is 

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, Paul McKinney wrote:

> >From everything that I can tell when using the <html:cancel/> tag, my
> perform() method in my Action class never seems to get executed.  It
> appears that after pressing the cancel button that the forward tag
> named as "cancel" in my action mapping in the struts-config file is used 
> and forwards to the specified path, bypassing calling the perform() 
> method.
> I understand that the validate() method in my form bean won't be called if
> the cancel button is pressed but I would think that my perform() in my 
> Action class should be called.
> Is anyone else having a problem with this or am I misunderstanding 
> something.  
> Thanks for you help.
> --
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