I'm actually evaluating possibilities to add EJB functionality to our struts

By reading a lot of articles I came to conclusion that the following
architecture may work:

-       Processing http-request
-       Performing formal validation (validation framework)
-       Performing simple validation with methods defined in value object class
(validations which only require data which is available in the value object)
-       Copying action form properties to value object properties
-       Calling remote EJB session bean (value object as parameter)
-       Handling workflow

EJB session
-       Receiving request from struts action
-       Performing complex validation
-       Performing business logic
-       Calling Entity beans
-       Returning value object to strus action
-       Returning return/error codes to struts action

Entity beans
-       As usual

Is anybody using such an architecture including session beans - experiences?
Do you see any cons?

And a question out of scope:
I'm new in the area of EJB (learning with Ed Roman's book). Everything looks
quite interesting for me except…the fact that the create method of entity
beans is called with a "lot" of parameters, which obviously may change, if
you add a property to your bean. Did I miss something with this subject or
do I really have to live with this fact? I was assuming/hoping that a create
method uses the object as parameter!

Thanks for any assistance

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