You can use hidden field and Javascript.

function setAction(target) {


<html:hidden property="actionName" value="Add"/>

property="foo" onClick="setAction('Add');"/><bean:message 
property="foo" onClick="setAction('Remove');"/><bean:message 

Hoang, Hai wrote:

>I want to internationalize the submit buttons on a form and I don't know how
>to do it.  Currently, I mapped the value on the submit button to the
>property actionName in the ActionForm class.  Base on the button the use
>clicked, I handle it propriately in the Action class, just like event
>handling mechanism.  Now if I internationalize these buttons (<html:submit
>property="actionName"/><bean:message key="button.add"/></html:submit>, the
>value will change and my Action class will no longer work.  Is there a way
>to work around this problem?
>To be specific, following is the detail about my setup
>1. jsp page:
><html:submit property="actionName" value="Add"/>
><html:submit property="actionName" value="Edit"/>
><html:submit property="actionName" value="Remove"/>
>2. actionForm class:
>public String getActionName() 
>       return actionName;
>public void setActionName( String actionName) 
>       this.actionName = actionName;
>3. action class:
>ApplicationForm applicationForm = (ApplicationForm)form;
>String action = applicationForm.getActionName();
>if (action == null)
>       action = Constants.BUTTON_CANCEL;
>if (action.equals(Constants.BUTTON_CANCEL))
>       applicationForm.setActionName(null);
>       doAdd(mapping, applicationForm, request, response);
>else if (action.equals(Constants.BUTTON_ADD)) 
>    doAdd(mapping, applicationForm, request, response);
>else if (action.equals(Constants.BUTTON_SAVE)) 
>    doSave(mapping, applicationForm, request, response);
>else if (action.equals(Constants.BUTTON_EDIT) || 
>       action.equals(Constants.BUTTON_REMOVE)) 
>    doEdit(mapping, applicationForm, request, response);
>else if (action.equals(Constants.BUTTON_UPDATE)) 
>    doUpdate(mapping, applicationForm, request, response);
>else if (action.equals(Constants.BUTTON_DELETE)) 
>    doDelete(mapping, applicationForm, request, response);
>Thank you for your help
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