Pretty much performs as required. Quite tidy. Absolutely boots as it has
a very optimised JSP compiler, to the letter of a spec. Makes writing
tags harder because of the level of tag object reuse, but it all pays
off. Because it moves faster than tomcat it's quicker to code with, kick
it over an restart in a flash.

Also may have to look out for the fact it likes to compile source in the
classes directory. But that speeds dev work too, as just like JSP, you
can simply change the code in your source and hit reload in the browser,
and it'll all recompile and stuff automagically. Most cool.


On Fri, 2002-07-19 at 22:33, Galbreath, Mark wrote:
> I'm getting prepared to build a web app using Struts on (yet) another
> platform - Resin.  If anyone has done this, are there any Resin-specific
> issues involved or is it as simple as adding struts.jar to the class path
> and putting struts-config in WEB-INF?
> Thanks...and I like the beaver (nature's engineer) as the cover for Chuck's
> book,
> Mark

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