I assume that when you say 80% is easy, you are
talking about modules like user authenticaion, content
management, shopping cart, etc. 

User authentication, content management, shopping cart
are not necessarily very easy things to implement. A
generic design may be easy but a comprehensive design
that satisfies many requirements may indeen be hard to
do. The point is that all of us are re-doing all these
over and over.

When it comes to user authentication and shopping cart
for instance, 50-80% of our requirements are the same.

We all need to authenticate the user, persist this
authentication in the session, log the user out, etc.
We all need to persist a shopping cart in the session
between requests, let the user add items, calculate
the subtotal, let the user type in shipping and
billing addresses, credit card, etc., emailing the
user his/her order details after the order... That's
why I think that open-source J2EE verticals is a good


--- Andrew Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I always find its the 20% thats the hardest to
> implement.
> Maybe what we need to have is an implementation of
> the 20% and leave the
> easy 80% for people to do ;-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mete Kural [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2002 07:16
> Subject: basicPortal comments
> Hello Vic and others,
> The basicPortal presentation was very nice. Thank
> you
> for your efforts. I think providing verticals for
> the
> J2EE community would be a very good effort, because
> after all we're doing very similar things over and
> over. Everybody is implementing user authentication,
> shopping cart/web store, content management, site
> administration, etc. The basic 80/20 rule applies
> here
> also. 80% of our requirements for the above listed
> are
> the same, while 20% of it is specific to our
> business.
> Each one of us is implementing that 80% on our own
> over and over again. Instead we could join efforts
> and
> implement that 80% together, then finish up the rest
> 20% on our own, which may be very specific to what
> are
> business is involved in. This way we can save time,
> money, and improve reliability and performance.
> Are you inviting other contributors for basicPortal?
> I
> would be happy to help.
> Thanks,
> Mete Kural
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