I'm trying to write my first Struts app.  I am using the struts-blank
application included with the 1.1b1 distribution.  I have my classpath and
libraries all set up, and I think I have my struts-config.xml file set up
correctly.  When I attempt to compile any of my jsp files, however, my IDE
(Oracle JDeveloper) tells me I have an HTML error (missing <HTML> tag [I do
have a <html:html> tag]) and the compiler gives me an
ExceptionInInitializerError: LogConfigurationException.  I'm guessing this
is due to a missing default LogFactory implementation, but I can't see why
that would be.  The commons-logging.jar file is on my classpath.  Is there
something else I need to set?  I checked the javadoc for the logging
facility, and it seemed to indicate that if no log factory was configured, a
default would be used, is that right?

I have also installed the example application that came with the 1.1b1
distribution, and it works just fine.  Is it possible I've gotten something
mixed up in my struts-config.xml file that could be causing this?

-- Tracy Nelson

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