> Does anyone know of a C/C++ MVC designed for a web front end?

Plugged "C++ cgi MVC" in at google.com and found (through a smalltalk
index page!) this site:


It's got a an index on CGI, but mostly Perl CGI. It's got a huge load of
stuff on Java, but no Java/MVC stuff. Apparently, the MVC stuff it has
is all in their Smalltalk index. 

Of course, that's not the only site google turned up.

My introduction to CGI was through Perl. Don't know yet whether that was
good or bad. I've read a book, Perl for the Web (Chris Radcliffe -- New
Riders) which spends quite a bit of page real estate arguing that the
speed of the language is far less of a determinant of overall response
than the the use of the CGI interface itself.

> Anyone ever attempt a port of Struts? Am I out of my mind to even consider
> this? - MVC++ :)

I would not advise it, at least, not unless you know Java, C++, _and_
networking really well. The port should be budgeted as a separate
project, I'd imagine.

> We're starting up a new project and it's been dictated that we go with C/C++
> CGI.

Care to share the reasoning behind this insanity? 

(There might be some valid reasons, but the context itself would about
have to be insane to make it reasonable to mix C/C++ and CGI, expecially
if the target is going to be complex enough to gain anything from MVC.
If building a technological base of expertise is more important that
completing the project on budget and on time, that might be one valid
reason. Maybe.)

> But I'm interested in still following the MVC design.

Is this an idealogical whimsy, or do you have a lot of experience with
MVC in C++?

> I've never done
> CGI before, so does this even make sense?

It depends on how much of the rest you have, I'd say. Stateless CGI is
not that hard, but it's never going to be fast, either.

> Any other C/C++ CGI frameworks to recommend?

More searching on google? Something like "C++ cgi framework"? Hmm. Yeah,
that turns up some potentially interesting pages, too.


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