No, we're currently using Tomcat 3.3.1.....


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gaurang Shah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 12:42 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Session-scope JavaBean being removed
> Are you using Websphere 4.0?
> We had a NullPoinerException when using session EJBs not sure 
> if that was
> the case with JavaBeans or not.
> A fixpack to 4.0.3 from IBM fixed it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Jalenak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 11:46 AM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: Session-scope JavaBean being removed
> My bad.  Should've included the details to begin with......
> Struts-Config....
> <struts-config>
>       <data-sources>
>               <data-source key="AEFA">
>                       <set-property property="autoCommit"
> value="false" />
>                       <set-property property="driverClass"
> value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" />
>                       <set-property property="maxCount"
> value="10" />
>                       <set-property property="minCount"
> value="1" />
>                       <set-property property="password"
> value="L2P1" />
>                       <set-property property="url"
> value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@devsrv:1526:DL2P1" />
>                       <set-property property="user"
> value="L2P1" />
>               </data-source>
>       </data-sources>
>       <form-beans>
>               <form-bean name="LogonForm"
> type="com.labone.aefa.validate.LogonForm" dynamic="true">
>                       <form-property name="userID"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="password"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>               </form-bean>
>               <form-bean name="DataEntryForm"
> type="com.labone.aefa.validate.DataEntryForm" dynamic="true">
>                       <form-property name="orderBy"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="lastName"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="firstName"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="middleName"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="ssn"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="acctNum"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="acctSfx"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="prodApplied"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="policyName"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="quoteback"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="entryDate"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="userid"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="dob"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="advisorName"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="advisorNum"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="advisorArea"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="advisorPhone"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="advisorPhoneExt"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="advisorFax"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="drvLcnsNum"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="drvLcnsState"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="workPhone"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="workPhoneExt"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="homePhone"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="timeContWork"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="timeContWorkAMPM"
> type="java.lang.String" initial="AM"/>
>                       <form-property name="timeContHome"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="timeContHomeAMPM"
> type="java.lang.String" initial="AM"/>
>                       <form-property name="streetNum"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="streetName"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="apt"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="city"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="state"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="zip"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="physName"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="physStreetNum"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="physStreetName"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="physSuite"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="physCity"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="physState"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="physZip"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="physPhone"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="physPhoneExt"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="typePolicy"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="consultDate"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="policyAmount"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="aibRider"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="buttonAction"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="otherInsured"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="policyChange"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="gender"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="stateSigned"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="paramedName"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="internalReplacement"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="advisorNotes"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="socialBenefit"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="status"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="socBenefRider"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="socBenefRiderAmt"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>                       <form-property name="stateList"
> type="java.lang.String[]"
>                               initial="{'Select
> One','AK-Alaska','AL-Alabama','AR-Arkansas','AZ-Arizona','CA-C
> alifornia',
> 'CO-Colorado','CT-Connecticut','DC-District of 
> Columbia','DE-Delaware',
> 'FL-Florida','GA-Georgia','HI-Hawaii','IA-Iowa','ID-Idaho','IL
> -Illinois',
> 'IN-Indiana','KS-Kansas','KY-Kentucky','LA-Louisiana','MA-Mass
> achusetts',
> 'MD-Maryland','ME-Maine','MI-Michigan','MN-Minnesota','MO-Missouri',
> 'MS-Mississippi','MT-Montana','NC-North Carolina','ND-North Dakota',
>                                         'NE-Nebraska','NH-New
> Hampshire','NJ-New Jersey','NM-New Mexico','NV-Nevada',
>                                         'NY-New
> York','OH-Ohio','OK-Oklahoma','OR-Oregon','PA-Pennsylvania',
>                                         'RI-Rhode Island','SC-South
> Carolina','SD-South Dakota','TN-Tennessee',
> 'TX-Texas','UT-Utah','VA-Virginia','VT-Vermont','WA-Washington',
>                                         'WI-Wisconsin','WV-West
> Virginia','WY-Wyoming'}"/>
>                       <form-property name="stateListValues"
> type="java.lang.String[]"
> initial="{'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','1
> 2','13','14','
> 15','16','17','18','19','20',
> '21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','30','31','32','3
> 3','34','35','
> 36','37','38',
> '39','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','50','51'}"/>
>               </form-bean>            
>       </form-beans>
>       <global-forwards>
>               <forward name="logon"
> path="/"/>
>               <forward name="dataentry"
> path="/"/>
>       </global-forwards>
>       <action-mappings>
>               <action path="/logon"
> type="com.labone.aefa.util.TilesForward">
>                       <forward name="success"
> path="logon"/>
>               </action>
>               <action path="/dataentry"
> type="com.labone.aefa.util.TilesForward">
>                       <forward name="success"
> path="dataentry"/>
>               </action>
>               <action path="/LogonAction"
> type="com.labone.aefa.struts.LogonAction"
>                               name="LogonForm"
>                               scope="request"
>                               input="logon"
>                               validate="true">
>                       <forward name="success"
> path="menu"/>
>                       <forward name="failure"
> path="logon"/>
>               </action>
>               <action path="/DataEntryAction"
> type="com.labone.aefa.struts.DataEntryAction"
>                               name="DataEntryForm"
>                               scope="session"
>                               input="dataentry"
>                               validate="true">
>                       <forward name="success"
> path="final"/>
>                       <forward name="failure"
> path="error"/>
>               </action>
>       </action-mappings>
>       <controller
> processorClass="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor"
> nocache="true">
>       </controller>
>       <plug-in className="com.labone.aefa.util.MemoryDatabasePlugIn">
>       </plug-in>
> </struts-config>
> The MemoryDatabasePlugIn looks like....
> public final class MemoryDatabasePlugIn implements PlugIn
> {
>       private ApplicationConfig config = null;
>       private ActionServlet servlet = null;
>       private MemoryUserDatabase database = null;
>       private String databasePath = 
> "/WEB-INF/databases/userDatabase.xml";
>       public void init(ActionServlet servlet, 
> ApplicationConfig config)
>               throws ServletException
>       {
>               this.config = config;
>               this.servlet = servlet;
>               database = new MemoryUserDatabase();
>               try
>               {
>                       String path =
> servlet.getServletContext().getRealPath(databasePath);
>                       database.setPathname(path);
>             ;
>               }
>               catch(Exception e)
>               {
>                       throw new ServletException("Cannot load 
> persistent
> database from '" + databasePath + "'", e);
>               }
> servlet.getServletContext().setAttribute(Constants.DATABASE_KE
> Y, database);
>       }
>       public void destroy()
>       {
> servlet.getServletContext().removeAttribute(Constants.DATABASE_KEY);
>               database = null;
>               servlet = null;
>               config = null;
>       }
> }
> MemoryUserDatabase looks like.....
> public final class MemoryUserDatabase
> {
>       private HashMap users = new HashMap();
>       private String pathname = null;
>       public String getPathname()
>       {
>               return this.pathname;
>       }
>       public void setPathname(String pathname)
>       {
>               this.pathname = pathname;
>       }
>       public MemoryUser findUser(String username)
>       {
>               synchronized (users)
>               {
>                       return ((MemoryUser) users.get(username));
>               }
>       }
>       public MemoryUser createUser(String username)
>       {
>               synchronized(users)
>               {
>                       if (users.get(username) != null)
>                       {
>                               throw new
> IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate user '" + username + "'");
>                       }
>                       MemoryUser user = new MemoryUser(this, 
> username);
>                       synchronized(users)
>                       {
>                               users.put(username, user);
>                       }
>                       return (user);
>               }
>       }
>       public void open()
>               throws Exception
>       {
>               FileInputStream fis = null;
>               BufferedInputStream bis = null;
>               try
>               {
>                       fis = new FileInputStream(pathname);
>                       bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
>                       Digester digester = new Digester();
>                       digester.push(this);
>                       digester.setValidating(false);
>                       digester.addFactoryCreate("database/user", new
> MemoryUserCreationFactory(this));
>                       digester.parse(bis);
>                       bis.close();
>                       bis = null;
>                       fis = null;
>               }
>               catch(Exception e)
>               {
>                       throw e;
>               }
>               finally
>               {
>                       if (bis != null)
>                       {
>                               try
>                               {
>                                       bis.close();
>                               }
>                               catch(Throwable t)
>                               {
>                                       ;
>                               }
>                               bis = null;
>                               fis = null;
>                       }
>               }
>       }
> }     
>       class MemoryUserCreationFactory implements ObjectCreationFactory
>       {
>               public MemoryUserCreationFactory(MemoryUserDatabase
> database)
>               {
>                       this.database = database;
>               }
>               private MemoryUserDatabase database = null;
>               private Digester digester = null;
>               public Digester getDigester()
>               {
>                       return (this.digester);
>               }
>               public void setDigester(Digester digester)
>               {
>                       this.digester = digester;
>               }
>               public Object createObject(Attributes attributes)
>               {
>                       String username = 
> attributes.getValue("username");
>                       MemoryUser user = database.createUser(username);
> user.setFullname(attributes.getValue("fullname"));
> user.setPassword(attributes.getValue("password"));
>                       return (user);
>               }
>       }       
> Here is the code from the logon process.....
> public class LogonAction extends Action
> {
>       public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, 
> ActionForm form,
> HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
>               throws ServletException, Exception
>       {
>               ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
>               ActionForward forward = new ActionForward();
>               MemoryUser user = null;
>               String userID = (String)
> PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(form, "userID");
>               String password = (String)
> PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(form, "password");
>               MemoryUserDatabase database = (MemoryUserDatabase)
> servlet.getServletContext().getAttribute(Constants.DATABASE_KEY);
>               if (database != null)
>               {
>                       user = (MemoryUser)
> database.findUser(userID.toLowerCase());
>                       if (user != null)
>                       {
>                               if
> (user.getPassword().equalsIgnoreCase(password))
>                               {
>                                       HttpSession session =
> request.getSession();
> session.setAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY, user);
>                                       if 
> (mapping.getAttribute() != null)
>                                       {
>                                               if
> ("request".equals(mapping.getScope()))
>                                               {
> request.removeAttribute(mapping.getAttribute());
>                                               }
>                                               else
>                                               {
> session.removeAttribute(mapping.getAttribute());
>                                               }
>                                       }
>                                       forward =
> mapping.findForward("success");
>                               }
>                               else
>                               {
>                                       errors.add("password", new
> ActionError("error.05"));
>                                       forward =
> mapping.findForward("failure");
>                               }
>                       }
>                       else
>                       {
>                               errors.add("userID", new
> ActionError("error.03"));
>                               forward = 
> mapping.findForward("failure");
>                       }
>               }
>               else
>               {
>                       errors.add("userID", new 
> ActionError("error.01"));
>                       forward = mapping.findForward("failure");
>               }
>               if (!errors.empty())
>               {
>                       saveErrors(request, errors);
>               }
>               return forward;
>       }
> }
> and here is the code that is failing.....
> <snip>
>       public class DataEntryAction extends Action
>       {
>               PreparedStatement ps = null;
>               ResultSet rs = null;
>               public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
> ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, 
> HttpServletResponse response)
>                       throws Exception
>               {
>                       ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
>                       HttpSession session = request.getSession();
>                       MemoryUser user = (MemoryUser)
> session.getAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY);
>                       String userid = user.getUsername();     
> </snip>
> The MemoryUser beans looks like this....
> public class MemoryUser
> {
>       private MemoryUserDatabase database = null;
>       private String username = null;
>       private String password = null;
>       private String fullname = null;
>       public MemoryUser(MemoryUserDatabase database, String username)
>       {
>               super();
>               this.database = database;
>               this.username = username;
>       }
>       public MemoryUserDatabase getDatabase()
>       {
>               return this.database;
>       }
>       public String getPassword()
>       {
>               return this.password;
>       }
>       public void setPassword(String password)
>       {
>               this.password = password;
>       }
>       public String getUsername()
>       {
>               return this.username;
>       }
>       public String getFullname()
>       {
>               return this.fullname;
>       }
>       public void setFullname(String fullname)
>       {
>               this.fullname = fullname;
>       }
> }
> Anything else?
> TIA!
> Jerry
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 10:38 AM
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: RE: Session-scope JavaBean being removed
> > 
> > 
> > I'm afraid that you'll have to provide more details before 
> > anyone can help
> > you.
> > 
> > James Mitchell
> > Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
> > Struts-Atlanta, the "Open Minded Developer Network"
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Jerry Jalenak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 10:19 AM
> > > Subject: Session-scope JavaBean being removed
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi All,
> > >
> > > Got a strange one that I can't figure out.  We've developed 
> > an internal
> > > webapp that uses the MemoryDatabase from the struts-example that
> > > comes with
> > > the distribution.  The implementation works great, providing a
> > > basic user ID
> > > / password table in XML, etc.  Once the logon process completes,
> > > we store a
> > > javabean with the user ID in the session so we can grab it later
> > > when we do
> > > our database updates (store the user ID as the last person to
> > > update, etc.)
> > > Everything seems to be fine, then BLAM! - I get a
> > > NullPointerException when
> > > I try to access the bean.  I've checked the session timeout 
> > and set it to
> > > such a high value that the session should never time out.  I've
> > > also search
> > > the archives, the 'net, and have e-mailed Craig directly 
> (thanks for
> > > response, but it still happens :-).  I've found nothing 
> > that would tell me
> > > why this bean is being removed.  The only time it should be is
> > > during logoff
> > > processing.  Help!  Anyone have any ideas?
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance - and TGIF!
> > >
> > > Jerry Jalenak
> > > Web Publishing
> > > LabOne, Inc.
> > > 10101 Renner Blvd.
> > > Lenexa, KS  66219
> > > (913) 577-1496
> > >
> > >
> > > This transmission (and any information attached to it) may be
> > > confidential and is intended solely for the use of the individual
> > > or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended
> > > recipient or the person responsible for delivering the
> > > transmission to the intended recipient, be advised that you have
> > > received this transmission in error and that any use,
> > > dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this
> > > information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
> > > transmission in error, please immediately notify LabOne at 
> > (800)388-4675.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
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> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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> This transmission (and any information attached to it) may be 
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> and is intended solely for the use of the individual or 
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> in error, please
> immediately notify LabOne at (800)388-4675.
> --
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