> So Im guessing tiles doesnt support overriding child definitions?

Yes, you are correct.

If you are trying to use "trail" in "page.arc" to over-ride "trail" in
"page.tile.crumb", that's not going to work.....but then....you already know
that :)

James Mitchell
Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
Struts-Atlanta, the "Open Minded Developer Network"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Takacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 6:08 AM
> Subject: Tiles, overriding extended definitions and Breadcrumbing
> Summary: Can a page override a sub-definition?
> Im trying to do breadcrumb, whee.   I've made a page definition with
> over-riddes... works great.  Having a subLayout definition SEEMED to
> work ok, until I tried to override parts of the sub-definition.
> In other words, the "body" definition for "page.arc.help" can override
> the "body" definitions in "page.arc" just fine, but I cant seem to
> override the "trail" definitions in the subLayout, "page.tile.crumb".
> When I do provide an override, it ignores it and used the default
> "trail" definition I've used when initially defining "page.tile.crumb".
>  Grr.
> <!-- 'Base' Definition for a page -->
> <definition name="page.arc" template="/layouts/baseLayout.jsp">
>     <put name="body"       content="/tiles/common/body.jsp" />
>     <put name="breadcrumb" content="page.tile.crumb" />
>     <put name="footer"     content="/tiles/common/footer.jsp" />
>     <put name="header"     content="/tiles/common/header.jsp" />
>     <put name="title"      content="/tiles/common/title.jsp"/>
> </definition>
> <!-- 'Crumb' has a sublayout -->
> <definition name="page.tile.crumb" template="/layouts/breadcrumb.jsp">
>     <put name="trail"    content="/tiles/common/crumbTrail.jsp" />
>     <put name="static"  content="/tiles/common/crumbHelp.jsp" />
> </definition>
> <!-- Individual pages extending the 'Base' Definition  -->
> <definition name="page.arc.help" extends="page.arc">
>     <put name="body"    content="/tiles/help.jsp"/>
>     <put name="trail"   content="/tiles/crumbs/help.jsp"/>
> </definition>
> ----------
> /layouts/breadcrumb.jps:  (simplified)
> <tiles:insert attribute="trail"/>
> <tiles:insert attribute="static"/>
> -----
> In my defintion for "page.arc.help", the "trail" override isnt being
> used, the original one defined in "page.tile.crumb" is always being
> used..
> If I flatted the hiearchy  (include the 2 pieces of the breadcrumb
> layout directly in the baseLayout.jsp) it works just fine.
> So Im guessing tiles doesnt support overriding child definitions?
> -tak
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