I don't understand the need for the

boolean err = false;
if(ae!= null) { err = true; }

in the code below.  Why not use merely:

ActionErrors ae = (ActionErrors)request.getAttribute(Action.ERROR_KEY);

Then, wherever you want something to occur on the page:

if(ae == null ? true : false) {

I am only asking in case there is something that is useful in your code, 
Mark, that I am missing.  The difference is not huge, obviously.

At 10:09 AM 8/20/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Here's how I do it:
>ActionErrors ae = ( ActionErrors) request.getAttribute( Action.ERROR_KEY);
>boolean err = false;
>if( ae != null) { err = true;   }
>You can also test for specific errors or for action messages.  Then,
>wherever you want anything to occur on the page:
><% if( err) { %>
>   [whatever]
><% } %>
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Galbraith, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 8:38 AM
>I'm very new to Struts myself...just learning my way around, really, so I'd
>love to hear someone else's opinion on this.  The way I'd approach this is
>to use the <logic:notPresent/> tag in the JSP to show your status message
>only if there isn't an error object.  E.g.:
><logic:notPresent name="<%= org.apache.struts.action.Action.ERROR_KEY %>">
>User added, any other suckers?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: amolk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: August 20, 2002 1:58 AM
>Subject: separating status messages and error messages-Getting the
>design right.
>Hi all,
>I have just shifted from servlets to jsp + struts. I am still new to both.
>I have to create some jsp pages corresponding to some user actions.
>For example, the application administrator can click on add user link ( from
>left band menu which is in a separete frame ) and will be presented with a
>form which he can fill can click on add to add the user. On submit, the
>corresponding action class's perform is invoked and the same page has to be
>shown back to the user, this time, with a status message saying "user added
>successfully. Add another?" If the operation fails, an appropriate message
>is displayed using the <html:errors/>
>My problem is the following:
>Where do i handle these status messages? Each page is viewed by the user in
>two different scenarios. 1. When the user wishes to perform some task. This
>time, there is no status, error message to be shown. Just the jsp page,
>2. After the user fill out the form and submits it. The same form reappears
>with the appropriate status or error message.
>Should i be mixing status and error messages? In that case, how do i handle
>different headers and footers for the two?
>Or should i be using some custom tags?
>Hve been trying out custom tags but since am still new to all this, ( jsp as
>well as struts. have been using only servlets till now!!! ) am not able to
>take design design decisions based on custom libraries, and stuff.
>I would go for a design where maximum html code is present in the jsp file
>itself so that my page designers can freely modify/manage it.
>Any suggestions? I am not using tiles or anything else. Too many new things
>to handle @ a time, specially since i am new to jsp itself!!
>thnx in advance,
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