(see inserted comments)

Galbreath, Mark wrote:

>Read the book:
Very good book - highly recommended.  It's available for ordering on 
Amazon now too!

>Mark (the lesser-known struts-user FEATURE!)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ashish Kulkarni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 12:19 PM
>1. If i have to do some validation regarding the input from the user on
>input fields i was using javascript, and onSubmit method of form, but with
>struts i think i cannot use javascript, so how can i do it before sumbitting
>the data to action class where i will be calling perform to do the business
>(Can anyone supply some code)
See the chapter on the Validator Frameowrk.

>2. if i have to send some parameters to jsp, i was appending them as query
>string, but these parameters are build on fly, how can i do it with sturts.
Have a close look at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.setAttribute() and 
...HttpServletRequest.getAttribute().  It doesn't occur to me right off 
if Chuck talks about this in his book, but it's really more of a 
JSP/Servlet question than a Struts-specific question.  If I understand 
your question, those should help you out.  If I don't understand, it's 
conceivable you may want to look into the Dyna-forms too 
(DynaForm/DynaValidatorForm/DynaValidatorActionForm).  There are many 
ways to do just about anything you could imagine to be done.  Struts can 
simplify many of them.

>3. I had a header jsp which checked it the user had valid session, and if
>not forward it to logon page, how can i modify this jsp with struts
Look at extending org.apache.struts.action.Action.  Before you do, make 
sure you understand the role that action classes play in the overall 
Struts framework.  You could add this functionality to a class extending 
Action, and derive all of your actual actions from that action (so they 
all have that functionality implicitly).  Another solution is CMA 
(Container-managed authentication).  Yet another approach is JAAS - many 
folks are looking to this nowadays because of perceived limitations of 
CMA.  Personally, I'd rather let someone else write my authentication - 
even if it means I have to use some trickery to make it behave the way I 
want.  You can find many threads about security and container-managed 
authentication in the archives.  Try a search.  I don't have the URL for 
the archive right off, but there is a link to it on the same page where 
you subscribed to the mailing list.



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