I'm working with postgresql 7.2.1 and want to leverage Large Objects in
my Struts application using oid's.  I have the typical struts-config.xml
configuration specifying a connection pool with the postgresql driver.
I'm using Struts 1.0.2.

According to the documentation for postgresql, I need to obtain direct
access to the native postgresql Connection object to use its Large
Object API, i.e.:

LargeObjectManager lobjManager =

However, the code below results in a ClassCastException on

DataSource dataSource = servlet.findDataSource("pfdb");
Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
LargeObjectManager lobjManager =

I read through the mailing list archives and came across a similar
request by David Noll from back in 2001 where he wanted to use
MySQL-specific features ( See
apache.org&msgId=143539 ).

The reply to that message, from Matthius Bauer, explained,

>>You must not cast GenericConnection to  What you really want to do is
>>DataSource.getConnection which returns a Connection object like so:
>>  DataSource ds = getServlet().findDataSource(null);
>>  Connection con = ds.getConnection();
>>You can cast this connection to org.gjt.mm.mysql.Connection without

So, this is what I did, but alas, to no avail -- the ClassCastException
problem.  No further responses were shown to illuminate a solution.

Digging into the GenericDataSource and GenericDataConnection, it becomes
clear that they are wrappers and do not expose the underlying
Connection.  What I would appear to need is the ability to cast my
Connection to a GenericConnection, and then call getConnection(), and
then cast that to the database-specific Connection.

Unfortunately, GenericConnection.getConnection() has protected
visibility.  I don't see a way to extract the native Connection... but
then again I'm 31 and have chicken pox and it's 3am on a work day.

I'm about ready to extract the 1.0.2 source, change the visibility to
public, and stick it back into struts.jar, but that seems a bit

Could someone point me in the right direction?  

Sincere thanks,
Dan Rudman

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