> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Kaye 
> Thanks Danny.  I've looked into this and it seems to be 
> exactly what I'm looking for.  You're a star.

Hmm, it seems I can't use HttpSessionListener after all :(.  After
looking into it in more depth, it looks like I won't be able to get a
handle to the HttpServletRequest that actually contains the information
I need to key on i.e. the hostname, or at least the Request URI which I
can parse.  So, does anyone else have any ideas how to do this?  To
reiterate my problem briefly:  I need to be able to populate the
HttpSession with information as soon as the session is created, or at
least before the HttpServletResponse is sent back.  The information I
use in order to decide what to populate the session with is the server
hostname.  So for instance:

www.server1.com - Store "clubName" in session with value "Reds".
www.server2.com - Store "clubName" in session with value "Blues".

I need to do this so I could (for instance) welcome a visitor to
server1.com with "Welcome Reds".  I've over simplified my requirement,
but the above is the lowest common denominator.

I have considered running each host in it's own context in Tomcat.  But
that's a nightmare in terms of memory bloat.  This is how we are
currently doing it with our non Struts based app.  With just a few
contexts the server is almost maxed on memory (2Gb RAM).  I may have to
put up with redirecting all new sessions to the index page, which I
suppose is not too unreasonable, although a little unexpected for a user
who has bookmarked or clicked on a deep link - but then this can be an
issue with any web application.

Any suggestions?  Help, as always, much appreciated.



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