Please do...I subscribe to several list and would prefer to not receive
off-topic e-mails or have to create unnecessary e-mail rules to filter those
types of e-mails (no offense).


-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Boudrant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 9:34 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: [PROPOSAL] making a new jakarta list.





So we can share our jokes with all jakarta users ... I think there isn't
only struts user who
drink beer on Friday  ;) 

 --- Eddie Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : > I ... hrm ... :-)
> Even the Great Strut himself (Craig) has made note to those being 
> offended by receiving "friday-type" messages that struts-user has a long 
> history of being more relaxed on Fridays, and that such messages were 
> considered fine.  So, we've got Papa Craig's permission to "let our hair 
> down" come friday.  I do think it would be nice if people could confine 
> that behavior strictly to Friday (this week has gotten a tad out of hand 
> ...), however, I, nor you, have the ability to set precedent - that's up 
> to Craig and the "majority" to do.
> Now, seeing as how the majority of folks are not offended by this 
> behavior, and seeing as how many of us welcome it (on friday) as a bit 
> of "enlightened distraction", and seeing as how you seem to be in a 
> minority of folks which don't wish to participate -- yes, I think that 
> if you find something that offends you it should be your responsibility 
> to do something about it.
> I'm not trying to be an ass about this :-)  I just don't feel you have 
> no authority over this, and, thus, should get happy and take whatever 
> steps you deem necessary to "manage" your emails accordingly.  I do it - 
> you can too.  It's very, very easy -- unless you have a POS email client.
> ... then that's just *my* opinion - I can't say it's a terribly humble 
> one though ...
> Regards,
> Eddie
> (I bet if you could show that a majority of folks had an issue with it, 
> it would be stopped - however, until then, my advice is to get over it, 
> act like a self-censuring adult, and move on)
> Michael wrote:
> >Do you really think it's reasonable for me to reconfigure my mail
> >program to filter messages every time someone decides to create a new
> >off topic subject (OT, FRIDAY, BEER, etc.)?  Wouldn't it be much easier
> >to limit emails to relevant topics?  I'm on several mailing lists and
> >none of them contain blatant off topic totally useless emails like this
> >one does.  Really it's totally immature and instead of justifying it by
> >telling hundreds of people to reconfigure their mail client I think it
> >should stop!
> >
> --
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