You shouldn't have to have a form bean.  Here's the global forward I use for
the logout action:

        <forward name="forward.logout" path="/exec/logout"/>

Here's my action mapping for my logout action (Struts 1.0.2, with Tiles):

        <action path="/logout"
            <forward name="forward.success" path="template.login"/>

The action class is short n' sweet (my abstract ActionSupport class
overrides Action's perform() method and then calls the abstract execute()

public class LogoutAction extends ActionSupport {
     public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws
IOException, ServletException {
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        if (session != null) {
        return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);

So, then, all you need to do to let the user logout is provide a simple link
like this:

   <html:link forward="forward.logout"><bean:message

That should do it!

Hope this helps,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Darren McGuinness [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 10:17 AM
> Subject: action mapping question
> Hi,
> Having a few problems getting my application working 
> properly. Basically
> I've got a logon.jsp page which posts to action, which then
> validates and if successfull outputs search.jsp (shows in the 
> browser as
> / ).
> then on search.jsp i have 2 forms, one to and one 
> to
> here's my action mapping for logoff:
>   <action   path="/logoff"
>               type="struts1.action.LogoffAction"
>               name="logoffForm"
>               input="/"
>               scope="request">
>             <forward name="success" path="/logon.jsp"/>
>             <forward name="failure" path="/logon.jsp"/>
>     </action>
> first of all, i dont want to use a bean for the logoff action but it
> complains otherwise, so for now i've used a form with a 
> attribute dummy
> with get/set/reset/validate there a way not to 
> have to do
> this? if i dont have a form, I get an exception complaining the form
> bean is null.....
> second, what should 'input' be? if i leave it as "/" then it
> works, but also if i put it as "/tapssearch.jsp" it what
> should it be? and how can i set action-mapping to accept 
> input from any
> page, seeing as for example i'll want to be able to log-off 
> from any one
> of the pages(bar the logon one of course!) So that i dont 
> have to write
> an action mapping for every page that has a logoff form....
> cheers
> --
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