The absolute best recommendation I think that could be made to you is:

1)  <--- Click here
2)  Search for "Struts Book Review"
3)  Read
4)  <--- Go order it :-)

(No, I'm not being paid a commission by Chuck, I just think he did a 
fine job and deserves to reap the rewards)

That one resource will answer so many questions for you that, if you 
haven't read it yet, you _really_ should.  Another good "how-to tricks 
and tips" is Ted Husted's "Struts Tips" which he posts on's MVC Programmers list.  Fortunately, you can also get at 
(many of) them by going over to



Craig Tataryn wrote:

> Alrighty, really have been out of the loop for the last year w.r.t 
> Struts, last time I used it was pre-1.0.  However, I will be using it 
> on a project shortly and I have been brushing up.  Can you help me 
> with this query?  I have set a simple demo where I have made a 
> loginUser Action, who's input attribute is "/form/loginUser.jsp".  
> Inside the execute method of this action, I simply return 
> mappings.getInputForward();
> Fair enough typically in my controller I might have some logic to 
> figure out if the user was valid, and if they are I would forward them 
> to some other handler, if they were invalid I would set some error 
> messages and then do what I did above with the getInputForward() method.
> However, I then did this in my browser:
> http://localhost:8080/mywebapp/form/loginUser.jsp and it worked!  How 
> did the Struts controller know what form bean to create for that 
> loginUser.jsp?  Is it because I have loginUser.jsp as my input 
> attribute of the action?  What if I wanted to use the same input view 
> (jsp file) for two separate handlers?  How would it decide then which 
> form bean to create?
> Also, can someone give me the Coles notes version on:
> 1) DnyaForms
> 2) Plugins
> Thanks!
> </tataryn:craig>
> Craig W. Tataryn
> Programmer/Analyst
> Compuware 

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