This isn't a compile problem. The pages performance are consistently slow
even after the first access.
I've heard that tag libraries can cause performance problems. 
Does anyone have strategies for dealing with this?
Is it related to the nested tag library in particular?
We've put traces in to the detail part if the master detail display using
nested tags and the performance is erratic ( on a machine we have control
over) hence we suspect it's the garbage collection removing objects created
by the tags.

Tom Lister
* 020 7612 3030

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 August 2002 15:54
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Nested tags performance

In addition to pre-compiling, most JSP engines compile only once unless a
new version of your JSP is added so it should only be slow upon first hit.

I've run into this problem before. The solution is...
Don't show the bosses/customers the product until you run through on
iteration of testing on all the jsps you plan to show!
With bosses/customers, it rarely matters when you say 'But it's only slow
the first time'! They don't understand compiled/slow once.

Michael Lee

----- Original Message -----
From: "Donald Ball" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 10:23 AM
Subject: RE: Nested tags performance

> On 8/28/2002 at 1:58 PM Lister, Tom (ANTS) wrote:
> >I have got a page working with nested tags and the functionality is
> >brilliant for master/detail pages
> >However the performance is abysmal, to the point where we mayhave to
> >abandon
> >it completely.
> >The problem appears to be during the page compile/display phase. it is a
> >bit
> >erratic as to where it actually slows down and we suspect the problem is
> >the
> >garbage collector clearing up objects created by various tags although
> >we've
> >yet to put it through Optimizeit
> >Any suggestions for speeding up?
> Have you tried precompiling your jsp pages? any has an optional task that
> purports to make that easy.
> - donald
> --
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