Duh. (forehead slap)
That'll teach me to not read the whole question
so that I can answer first and save the day.

> Ted Husted said...

>The JavaScript is rendered by the client after the HTML page leaves the
>server and goes over the wire. So, no that can't work.
>Whatever properties are needed for a tag should come with a JavaBean
>associated with the tag or from a custom subclass. There are already
>getters and setters for each of these handlers in the BaseHandlerTag. So
>you could override these with a tag of your own to get whatever you need
>from whereever you need.
>Ravi Kora wrote:
>> My actual intention was to question if we can use dynamic scriplets in
>> Struts tags like the following
>> <html:text name="txt" value="<bean:write> name="itemForm"
>> property="item"/>" onBlur='javascript:doItem(<bean:write>
>> name="itemForm" property="item"/>)'>
>> Will the expression in the Value attribute evaluate at run time like a
>> scriplet expression in JSP?
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Ravi Kora
>> 337-739-3434(M)
>Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
>co-Aauthor, Java Web Development with Struts
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