I have a .jsp page with some content where I would like to
insert the output/results of executing an action.

For example, let's say content.jsp contains the following:

Some content, some content some content.

<!-- insert results of executing action here -->

Some more content, some more content, some more content.

I know one way to do this would be to have a set up action
which executes and places the results into the appropriate scope
and then the page retrieves the results and renders them to
the screen. This way would require a Struts type URI to invoke
the action (/do/something) which subsequently forwards or redirects
the request to content.jsp.

I was curious if there was a way to request content.jsp directly and
within content.jsp have a tag that requests the URI which would invoke
the action which would forward to a .jsp page which would be compiled/run
and the output written to the response which is associated with
content.jsp. (whooo, out of breath....)

I've tried <jsp:include .../> which complained because the page attribute
contained a Struts type URI and not an actual .jsp page. I tried
<bean:include .../>
and it kinda worked except the id attribute contained the
results of the .jsp page.

Is this possible? It seems like it should be and I'm just missing something.


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