Using Struts 1.0.2 with nested extension on Tomcat 4.0.2

My JSP has the following construct

  <nested:root name="sitebean">
    <nested:equal property="cartBean.haveModelBasedItems" value="true">

This page fails to load with a NullPointerException.

My hunt for its cause has lead me to the process of translating a JSP file into a Java 

The error is being raised because Tomcat is evaluating

  <nested:root name="sitebean">

  out.write("\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<nested:root name=\"sitebean\">\r\n");

Why could this be happening?  I have confirmed and re-confirmed the syntactical 
correctness of my jsp file.

The correct interpretation of this nested tag should be (as derived from other pages 
that use the same construct)

  org.apache.struts.taglib.nested.NestedRootTag _jspx_th_nested_root_0 = new 

Any suggestions?


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