This is fine. Just leave out both the name and input attributes, since 
neither apply when there is not an ActionForm.


Piper, James D CECOM SEC EPS wrote:

> I am new to struts and I don't know if this is of any use or if it is even
> right, but when I wanted to call an Action when the user clicked a link I
> used something like (no forms involved):
> <p>Build Database: <a href="">Button</a></p>
> and in my struts-config.xml had something like:
>  <action  
>          path="/1-5-1_BuildDatabaseAction"
>          type="com.myapp.view.DBAdminClient"
>          name=""
>          input="/1-5_SAMainPage.jsp">
>                 <forward name="db_create_success"    path="/success.html"/>
>                 <forward name="db_create_failed"     path="/fail.html"/>
>  </action>    
> I left name="" because I wasn't doing anything with a form, just responding
> to a user clicking on a link.  I welcome comments letting me know if this is
> the right way to be doing this or (rather more likely) that I am clueless
> and that there is some other struts mechanism I should be using to handle
> getting access to the action mappings when no forms are involved.
> Thanks,
> - Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 1:40 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Call action from JSP
> I don't use form because I don't need to submit any data. The action will
> perform some logic against query string in request and data in session, and
> forward wither to a success page or a failure page.
> I could put this logic directly in JSP rather than in an action, but I
> don't want so many Java code in JSP.
>                       "Galbreath, Mark"
>                       <Galbreath@tessco.       To:       "'Struts Users
> Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                
>                       com>                     cc:
>                                                Subject:  RE: Call action
> from JSP                                                      
>                       09/05/2002 12:27
>                       PM
>                       Please respond to
>                       "Struts Users
>                       Mailing List"
> Why would you want to call an Action class directly from a JSP (outside a
> form:action block)?
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 1:19 PM
> Subject: Call action from JSP
> Could someone help me on this code:
> In *.jsp:
> <%
>       if (condition satisfied) {
>             // how to fill this line to call an action, say
>       }
> %>
> Thanks.
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Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
co-author, Java Web Development with Struts
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