An underlying question may be whether a ConnectionAdaptor or a 
DataAdaptor is a business class. I believe it would really be a data 
access or resource-layer class that is provided for the use of business 
classes (or other data access class). Such an adaptor can be 
~configured~ with a DataSource that is then used (internally) to provide 
a connection to the business classes (a la Struts).


Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

> On Fri, 6 Sep 2002, Craig Tataryn wrote:
>>Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2002 17:57:42 -0500
>>From: Craig Tataryn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Alternative Datsource Hot-potatoing...
>>Thanks Ted, I'll check it out.  But just out of curiosity, why would you
>>ever want your Business Layer to know about Datasources?
> This "Craig" stuff is going to get confusing :-).
> The strategic issue, IMHO, is that you want business layer classes to know
> the absolute minimum information possible to achieve its objectives.  In
> the particular case at hand, the minimum possible knowledge would be
> what java.sql.Connection to use for their JDBC activities.  If you're in a
> batch-mode single threaded application, why would you want to go to all
> the effort to establish a DataSource object, when you'd only ever use a
> single Connection from it?  If you're going to pass in a reference to a
> JDBC-something object, it seems better to me that you pass a Connection
> instead -- that way a batch app can pass the one-and-only Connection it
> creates, and the business logic layer is none the wiser.
> Craig (McClanahan :-)
> --
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Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
co-author, Java Web Development with Struts
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