Without the taglib statement, the tag is completely ignored, as if it 
wasn't there. The JSP service assumes it's a HTML tag, and the browsers 
silently swallow anything they don't understand. C'est la vive.


Michael Lee wrote:

> I would like to thank everyone on this email list that helped out. Every
> little bit helped including the property attribute on iterate and that
> logic:present is very handy.
> The main problem though was a complete brain fart on my part.
> I am moron, hear me roar.
> I forgot to include the tag lib import for logic. The thing I dont
> understand is how it even go to the bean:write tag inside the iterate and
> failed there?
> Oh well, if you ever get an error message like I did, don't run around like
> a chickend with your head chopped off, just include this line at the top of
> the jsp...
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
> AAAAAAAAAAA, I hate stupid mistakes that waste everyone's time!!!
> Mike
> :(
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Yu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 10:20 PM
> Subject: Re: How to user logic:iterate
>>Option 1:
>>In Action,
>>   request.setAttribute("myUsers", users); // no need to call getUsers()
>>In JSP,
>>   <logic:present name="myUsers">
>>     <logic:iterate id="aUser" name="myUsers" property="users"
>>                    scope="request">
>>     <tr>
>>       <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="userID"/></td>
>>       <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="userType"/></td>
>>       <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="fName"/></td>
>>       <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="mName"/></td>
>>       <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="lName"/></td>
>>       <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="accoundDisabled"/></td>
>>       <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="email"/></td>
>>     </tr>
>>     </logic:iterate>
>>   </logic:present>
>>Option 2:
>>Use your existing code, but get rid of the "user." part from the property
>>of the <bean:write> tags.
>>At 04:55 am 10-09-2002, you wrote:
>>>Im having a helluva time getting logic:iterate to work..
>>>I have a Users object that contains an array list of
>>>User objects.
>>>you call Users.getUsers() and it returns an arrayList
>>>I stick that in the request object in the perform() method using
>>>request.setAttribute("users", users.getUsers());
>>>In the JSP the code I have is;
>>> <% ArrayList users = (ArrayList) request.getAttribute("users");
>>>       if(users != null)
>>>       {%>
>>>    <logic:iterate name="users" id="aUser" scope="request">
>>>    <tr>
>>>      <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="user.userID"/></td>
>>>      <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="user.userType"/></td>
>>>      <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="user.fName"/></td>
>>>      <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="user.mName"/></td>
>>>      <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="user.lName"/></td>
>>>      <td><bean:write name="aUser"
> property="user.accoundDisabled"/></td>
>>>      <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="user.email"/></td>
>>>    </tr>
>>>    </logic:iterate>
>>>        <%}%>
>>>The error I'm getting is;
>>><Sep 9, 2002 4:52:00 PM EDT> <Error> <HTTP>
>>>ptsplus,/receiptsplus)] Root cause of ServletException
>>>javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean aUser in scope null
>>>        at
> org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.lookup(RequestUtils.java:493)
>>>        at
>>>        at
>>>        at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:27)
>>>        at
>>>what am I doing wrong?
>>John Yu                       Scioworks Technologies
>>e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         w: +(65) 873 5989
>>w: http://www.scioworks.com   m: +(65) 9782 9610
>>Scioworks Camino - "Don't develop Struts Apps without it!"
>>Copyright (c) 2002 John Yu/Scioworks Technologies. All rights reserved.
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Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
co-author, Java Web Development with Struts
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