I have a question about defining a <html:form..> on my
jsp page,
1. suppose i define a form like below in my
<html:form action="/pages/selectenv">
do i have to have a bean-form defination in my
struts-config file like below
<form-bean name="selectEnvForm" dynamic="true"
                        <form-property name="envDrop"

2 . can i define a form with action as blank like
<html:form action=""> and then have a javascript which
will define value for action, 

3. If my old html form looks like this
<form name="myform" action="env.jsp" >
what would be struts equivalent, if i define a name
for the form it gives me error, that a type must be
assigend, and when i give type as
it gives me class cast exception error. for the above
form defination



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