Chance are the problem is coming from the manifest file in the struts jar
which isn't compatible with Weblogic. Well, actually, Weblogic not being compatible
with the specs.

This was introduced with sp2. Struts 1.1b2 will deploy fine with sp1, if
that is an option for you to go back. I've had the same problems testing
sp3. Actually, I've had worse problems testing sp3.

If using sp1 is not an option, then start playing with the class-path
entry in the manifest file.

--> stu:
It just no longer is plain simple safe fun
when it's the psycho chimp that has the ray gun
Stuology -- A million monkeys can't be wrong

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use struts 1.1b2  with Weblogic 6.1 but while deploying the 
>application I got this error:
> weblogic.j2ee.DeploymentException: Could not load esales - with nested exception:
> [java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1]
>       at weblogic.servlet.internal.HttpServer.loadWebApp(
>       at weblogic.j2ee.WebAppComponent.deploy(
>       at weblogic.j2ee.Application.deploy(
>       at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.deployApplication(
>       at 
>       at 
>       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       at
>       at
>       at $Proxy8.setDeployed(Unknown Source)
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
> >
> What is the problem?
> Thanks
> Ege

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