For those of you interested in the answer to this "issue"...  there are
two solutions that have proved to work.

SOLUTION 1 (provided by Jerod Wilkerson, [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]):
Simply move the curly-brace from above the AddDataSourceRule definition
to below it (changing it from a top-level to an inner class) and make it

SOLUTION 2 (provided by Mike Billings,
Take the class definition for AddDataSourceRule out of the ActionServlet
and put it into its own file.

For some reason (we think it might have to do with customization of the
iPlanet ClassLoader), iPlanet cannot handle multiple top-level class
definitions in the same servlet class file.  Had this not been a
"serlvet" class, it would have worked fine.  I'm not sure if this is a
Stuts bug, or an iPlanet bug... 

Hope this helps!!  Thanks, Jerod and Mike!

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott P. Bartle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 2:32 PM
Subject: Has anyone successfully implemented Jakarta Struts 1.0.2 in
iPlanet 6.5?

I have been working on this issue for the past 3 days, and I've read a
lot of questions on a variety of forums and mailing lists, but I have
yet to find a solution to this problem.  The problem I am running into
is the notorious IllegalAccessError.  Mapping the name "Director" to my
ActionServlet, here is what I am seeing:

Error in executing servlet Director: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: try
to access class org.apache.struts.action.AddDataSourceRule from class
[27/Jun/2002 11:25:33:9] error: APPLOGIC-caught_exception: Caught
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.IllegalAccessError
own Source)
        at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
        at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
        at Method)

I have also tried to deploy the struts-example.war, and although it does
successfully deploy, it fails and throws the above IllegalAccessError
upon initializing the ActionServlet.

I have been out to read Matt Raible's document
(, and I have
read the "Using Jakarta Struts on iPlanet Application Server"
ts.pdf), provided by Sun--both excellent documents if you haven't read
them, yet.  Regardless of what I have tried, however, I have yet to see
a successful implementation of Jakarta Struts with iPlanet 6.5.  I get
the impression that others have had success with Jakarta Struts on prior
releases of iPlanet, so I am hoping there is an answer to this issue for
release 6.5, as well.

All ideas are welcome!!

Thanks for your help,

<ps -- I am posting this on jGuru and the Struts mailing list as well.
If we find an answer to this issue, I will post the answer to all 3
lists, as well.  Thanks, again.>

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