Can anyone elaborate on how to use the SwitchAction class.  Specifically,
how does one populate the two request paramters "prefix" and "page".  Note
that these are not request attributes.



-----Original Message-----
From: micael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 11:15 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Sub Apps

Damn, Eddie!  Nice job!

At 11:34 PM 9/16/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>On a very high-level, yes :-)
>Back in the old days (Struts 1.0), you used to have one application. You 
>configured the action servlet in web.xml, and told it where to find your 
>one (and only) struts-config.xml file.  This one file was where all of 
>your application config was kept.  Unfortunately, there was contention 
>when multiple people needed to update the configuration file.
>... along comes 1.1 (beta)
>Now, you can have as many configuration files as you have modules.  Each 
>module will (presumably) be handled by one team, so contention is less. 
>Each module can be independently developed - caring nothing about the 
>others, unless it has to.  This is better for multi-developer settings. To 
>ease the transition, there is always one module -- the default 
>module.  That module lives (speaking in URI-terms) at 
>http://mydomain.dom/appContext/.  All other modules live at 
>By default, all paths are treated as relative to the module context. Since 
>this happens to be the same as the applciation context for the default 
>application, struts 1.0 applications should be able to easily migrate to 
>1.1.  You could then convert over to the new modules strategy "one piece 
>at a time".
>That a "birds-eye view" of sub-applications.  Is that what you wanted? 
>Need more details?  Oh, what the heck - here:
>It's really quite easy to implement.  You just ... well, in your web.xml, 
>you do something like this:
>    <!-- Default Sub-Application Config -->
>    <init-param>
>      <param-name>config</param-name>
>      <param-value>/WEB-INF/conf/struts-default.xml</param-value>
>    </init-param>
>    <!-- ModuleA Sub-Application Config -->
>    <init-param>
>      <param-name>config/modulea</param-name>
>      <param-value>/WEB-INF/conf/struts-moduleb.xml</param-value>
>    </init-param>
>    <!-- ModuleB Sub-Application Config -->
>    <init-param>
>      <param-name>config/moduleb</param-name>
>      <param-value>/WEB-INF/conf/struts-moduleb.xml</param-value>
>    </init-param>
>Each file is a struts-config file.  What you're actually doing when you 
>specify the config elements, is saying "make this module live at 
><app-context>/<module>".  So, from the example above, we would reach 
>module a by using a URL like:
>We could reach moduleb by doing something like:
>Both of my examples depend on one very important key:  You should have an 
>action setup for each of them that maps to /index.  Provided that you have 
>done that, you'll have good results.
>Let's look at one of the struts-config files:
>  <form-beans/>
>  <global-forwards>
>    <forward contextRelative="true"
>             name="toDefault"
>             path="/"
>             redirect="true"/>
>    <forward contextRelative="true"
>             name="toModuleA"
>             path="/modulea/"
>             redirect="true"/>
>    <forward contextRelative="true"
>             name="toModuleB"
>             path="/moduleb/"
>             redirect="true"/>
>  </global-forwards>
>  <action-mappings>
>    <action path="/index"
>            parameter="/default/moduleindex.jsp"
>            type="org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction">
>    </action>
>  </action-mappings>
>  <message-resources key="org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE"
>The global-forwards gives me a way to get from this sub-application (this 
>is a cut-down excerpt from my struts-default.xml) to my other 
>sub-applications.  Every one of my struts-<module>.xml files has these 
>very same global-forwards.  I just copied and pasted them from one to the 
>other.  I made them all context-relative (that means -- interpret this 
>path as though it is relative to the APPLICATION-context -- not the 
>module-context.  Struts, by default, will interpret your paths as being 
>relative to the module-context).  There are other ways to change 
>sub-applications too.  org.apache.struts.actions.SwitchAction will do this 
>for you.  Be sure you give it both required request parameters: prefix 
>(the module name preceeded by a '/' -- as in /modulea) and page (if you do 
>a type-o like I did, and get an exception saying to use prefix and path 
>just ignore it.  It is incorrect.  I already filed a bug and submitted a 
>To make navigation among modules easy, all of them have an index action. 
>That is the primary entry-point from one module to another.  I may or may 
>not have additional links into other sub-applications, depending on what 
>my requirements are.  That's something you'll have to judge for yourself.
>You'll notice some convention I use.  Each of my modules has it's own 
>directory under the application root.  I keep things relating to a given 
>module in it's own directory.  I also have a common directory which houses 
>things that get shared (like layouts etc).  Unfortunately, I haven't 
>managed to make Tiles work correctly with sub-applications yet. I may be 
>doing something wrong.  That's why you don't see the TilePlugin being 
>installed.  I just use JSP pages for my definitions.  I haven't tried the 
>Validator out with them yet -- haven't got along that far with my 
>prototype.  I guess I should.
>I wasn't going to go into so much depth, but I'm nearly certain the 
>high-level description I started out with wasn't what you were looking for.
>Oh - one last note - you *must* go through the controller (ie through an 
>action) if you want your request to be associated with one of the 
>non-default sub-applications.  My experiments have shown that I can view 
>JSP pages directly, and have resources pulled back, but those resources 
>are always the ones for the main (default) sub-application.
>Brijesh NK wrote:
>>Could anybody explain SubApplication concepts in struts frame work
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>Hope that helps,
>Eddie Bush
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