Cedric and/or any Tiles Users, 

I've looked through the documentation and have an idea of how to do what I want, but 
I'm not quite there yet... can you advise?

I have a main document definition:

  <definition name="main" path="/layout/main.jsp">
    <put name="header" value="/layout/header.jsp"/>
    <put name="menu" value="main.menu"/>
    <put name="body" value="/layout/body.jsp"/>

I want to pass parameters to the menu.jsp, so I can define the menu as follows:

  <definition name="main.menu" path="/layout/menu.jsp">
    <put name="section" value="string1"/>
    <put name="subsection" value="string2"/>

Now when I go to define each of my application pages based on my main page definition, 
how can I pass the menu parameters? This is where I lose it..

  <definition name="page1" extends="main">
    <put name="main.menu" ....???? 
        insert section value = "string1"
        insert subsection value = "string2"
    <put name="body" value="/somefolder/pageone.jsp"/>

On the menu.jsp, I want to do an <tiles:importAttribute> or <tiles:getAsString> call 
which gets the "section" and "subsection" parameters.

Please help :)

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