Thanks, but what I meant was set the default option chosen in the
html:options to be a value in the current html:form.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 4:42 PM
Subject: RE: default value for html:select

> Answer to #1)
> <html:select property="companySelection">
>         <html:option value="">Select a company</html:option>
>         <html:options collection="companyList"
> property="orglevel2id"  labelProperty="orglevel2name"/>
>       </html:select>
> The above sets the "Select a company" as the default.  I think if you
> wanted the default to be set in the collection you would just set it as
> the first entry when you make the collection.  Someone tell me if I am
> wrong on this one...
> Answer to #2)
> To display alternating colors, a bunch of us like:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mleejr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 4:29 PM
> To: struts-user
> Subject: default value for html:select
> I have one MAIN question. I don't want to have to repost a question. I
> try searching for answers to my questions on the website but it always
> forwards me to google. Are these emails not cached for searching?
> Anyway, 2 questions;
> 1) How do I set a default value in an html:select on an options list? I
> need the default state to be the one loaded from the struts form.
>     <html:select property="state" size="1" value="<%= userForm.state
> %>">
>       <html:options name="allUnitedStates" labelName="allUnitedStates"/>
>     </html:select>
> 2) I do a query. I put the result in  the logic:iterate below. I want to
> alternate colors. I've seen this before but I couldn't do a search
> because of the aforementioned problem. Thanks
>       <logic:present name="users">
>           <logic:iterate name="users" id="aUser" property="users"
> scope="request">
>           <tr>
>             <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="userID"/></td>
>             <td><bean:write name="aUser" property="userType"/></td>
> .....
>           </tr>
>         </logic:iterate>
>       </logic:present>
> --
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