
I am developing payment history page(paymentHistory.jsp), The related formBean is 
called HistoryForm.java, action class is HistoryAction.java

In HistoryAction.java, I got all payments(type of Vector) for a user from Database, I 
use historyForm.setPayments(PAYMENTS, payments) to set payments into historyForm(it is 
a instance of HistoryForm.java).

The following is part of my paymentHistory.jsp, 

<html:form action="/paymentHistory.do" name="historyform">
<logic:iterate id="aPayment" name="historyform" property="payments">
  <bean:write name="aPayment" property="amount"/>

My question is: do I need to get payments( in  the paymentHistory.jsp) first before 
using it in the line "<logic:iterate id="aPayment" name="historyform" 
property="payments">. If I do not need to do anything before using "payments" in 
iterate tag, that means the form knows what "payments" is by itself. Is my 
understanding correct?

Thank you for your help.


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