That's actually what I've wound up doing.  This, I think, is what I was 
looking for.  I can't believe I didn't think of it right off!

Andrew Hill wrote:

>I was doing Swing GUI stuff before I started using struts. Swing is much
>nicer to use than AWT (anyone else still remember AWT? hehe) but can also be
>(ab)used very badly by folk who dont understand its concepts properly and
>has developed something of a bad reputation as a result!
>The easiest way to learn it is to start with the online tutorials at the Sun
>java site, and also spend some time looking through the JavaDocs for the
>Swing api.
>Being a struts person you should already be familiar with the concept of
>MVC, read up on how it is applied in Swing.
>(Take a good look at things like the table and tree model interfaces as you
>will probably be using these ones a lot)
>btw: Be sure to spend extra time when you study the infamous GridBagLayout.
>Its well worth it as that is by far the most useful of the layouts and once
>you have the hang of it you probably wont use the others much at all!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Eddie Bush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 11:10
>To: Struts Users List
>Subject: [OT] Schwing!
>Any good resources for learning to do GUI development with Swing?  I
>gather it's favored over AWT nowadays.  I did some AWT back ... long
>time ago :-) ... but most of my GUI-doing business has been under VB or
>Delphi.  I'm kinda doing the STFW thing, but I thought one of you might
>have a resource you're especially proud of ;-)
>Eddie Bush

Eddie Bush

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