We're case-sensitive.  welcome != Welcome.  You defined your foward as 
Welcome and then asked for welcome -- it does not exist.  Change 
forward="welcome" to forward="Welcome".

Heligon Sandra wrote:

>       I defined the following configuration:
>       index.jsp:
>       <logic:redirect forward="welcome"/>
>       struts-config.xml:
>        <global-forwards>
>           <forward name="welcome" path="/Welcome.do" />
>       </global-forwards>
>       <action-mappings>
>               <action path="/Welcome"
>parameter="pages/Welcome.jsp" />
>       </action-mappings>
>       welcome.jsp:
>       <tiles:insert definition="site.login.page" flush="true" />
>       When I run the application I have the error
>       javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot create redirect URL:
>java.net.MalformedURLException:        Cannot retrive  ActionForward named
>       I don't understand this error.

Eddie Bush

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