They are hype marketed as such. Most newer developers try them, as I did 
when I was new, but in production they did not scale, so we removed 
them. On new sites I skip the writing them part,  since people would 
only remove them in production. (some management that take EJB to 
production are so upset that they go to the cached .NET ADO, so I steer 
my client's clear).

Read links for other's opinion.
Some people disagree with them, but I had similar experience.


Daniel Joshua wrote:
> V. Cekvenich,
>>The slow part is DAO in J2EE (and ADO in .NET). Avoid any EJB, they do
>>not scale.
> I though EJBs were designed to allow scalling?
> Regards,
> Daniel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of V. Cekvenich
> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 5:56 PM
> Subject: Re: Struts and high performance sites
> Not a high volume of users, and 7 transactions per second? Should fit on
> a single medium box (if not a laptop) if you do it right.
> You have to worry about creating objects if you write your own framework
> (you can put beans in session or requests, and request is better
> mostly), and then you have 2 projects, your app and a framework, and you
> won't do better than the Struts team and what about framework bugs?
> Also, with Struts, my clients are able to write several modules(pages)
> per day per developers, how's that for  productivity or beating the
> schedule?
> Some of the  Struts sites are 50 times more concurrent users I have
> worked on, no problem.
> The slow part is DAO in J2EE (and ADO in .NET). Avoid any EJB, they do
> not scale.
> Some good choices is RowSet(I do metadata w/ reflection to auto gen SQL
> updates - RowSet also avoids BO/DTO/VO mapping and GC), Resin, pgSQL,
> Eclipse or CodeGuide IDE, Linux/KDE and J:Rockit VM or IBM VM (Sun VM
> and Sun Inc. have issues). Sample good practices code on
>, FREE!
> (If you have a large app or large # users, let a mentor help. many are
> on this list, it is cost effective, but not because of Struts only)
> V.
> Struts Mentor
> 917 345 1445 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ("Mentor's helps you do it faster/cheaper)
> David Zimmerman wrote:
>>we are building a webshop for a site with a high volume of users, approx.
> 800 concurrent users and 25k transactions per hour. We are going to use J2EE
> as the ground platform. I am now considering some design choices where using
> Struts is one of them. However I have some questions regarding the
> performance of Struts. I know this issue has been up many times before but I
> have never been able to find any satisfying answers, so...
>>What, if any, overhead does the Struts controller generate? This question
> must of course be seen in the context of writing your own controller or
> using any other framework. However, what is Struts overhead?
>>What overhead does the use of form beans generate (in the sense of objects
> created, memory use, the use of reflection, speed)
>>Custom tags (Struts' or other). Would they be applicable in a case like
> this? Wouldn't there be a massive creation of objects for every request?
>>Please help me out here! I really want your knowledge on this!
>>David Zimmerman
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