It's magic.

Seriously, your getters and setters in your ActionForm bean correspond to
the HTML input fields in your JSP.  So if you have a select dropdown in the
JSP called "state," in some HTML form for collecting personal information
you could have

  private state = "";

  public void setState( String state) {
    this.state = state;

  public String getState() {
    return state;

in your Action form.  In order to make Struts aware of this bean, you must
declare in your struts-config.xml file and have an action path mapped from
your JSP to an Action class that will manipulate the bean values that are
set by Struts:

<form-bean  name="PersonalInfoForm"
            type="com.whatever.PersonInfoForm" />

<action path="/personalInfo"
  <forward name="success" path="/personalInfo.jsp" />
  <forward name="error" path="/errors.jsp" />

So this associates your bean with your JSP and your ActionClass.  When your
user goes to http://yoursite/ (depending on the mapping in
your web.xml), personalInfo.jsp will be invoked and the rendered HTML
displayed.  After the user fills out the form and submits (for example, the
form action is /reviewPersonalInfo which will display everything the user
just entered), the following action path is invoked:

<action path="/reviewPersonalInfo"
  <forward name="success" path="/reviewPersonalInfo.jsp" />
  <forward name="error" path="/personalInfo.jsp" />

and reviewPersonalInfo.jsp will appear to display the information contained
in your bean through the use of Struts tags. At this point you can also
access the bean's state in your Action class through the form object to save
it to a database or whatever.



(That should have earned me a few [OT/FRIDAY] msgs, eh?)

-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Berruchon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 11:19 AM

  Hi, I'm still newie and really confused on how to get HTML form filled 
with struts...
I want to fill a select input in a form in one of my JSP.
So I've write an ActionForm Bean with the get and set methods for each 
properties corresponding to an input on the form.
But I don't know where these "set" methods are (or should) be called to 
fill actionForm properties before the calls to the get methods?

Can someone help us?

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