I had this issue, but solved it fairly simply by using html:rewrite istead:

window.open('<html:rewrite href="reportReceived.do" name=
"investigationEmploymentHistoryForm" property="map">View 
Employment History Report</html:rewrite>')

It looks a bit ugly. That's why I swept all the javascript rubbish into a
tile that essentially replaces the <html:link> tag for popups in my

<tiles:insert page="/tiles/popuplink.jsp">
   <tiles:put name="hlink">
      <html:rewrite forward="your.link" name="name" property="property"/>
   <tiles:put name="label">Your link</tiles:put>
   <tiles:put name="class">someCSS</tiles:put>

The generated HTML looks something like this: 

<a class="someCSS" href="javascript:void(0)"

It's a lot of code for a little link, but in practical terms its cleaner and
promotes reuse. The next step would be a custom tag. Actually, that sounds
like fun - I might do it today!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, 25 September 2002 4:19 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: html:link confusion


I had the code below in my jsp and everything was fine. It worked like it
was supposed to.

<html:link href="reportReceived.do" name=
"investigationEmploymentHistoryForm" property="map" target="_blank">view
Employment History Report</html:link>

Then the users decide that they didn't like the fact that the new window
had all the scrollbars and menus and everything on the top and so I did the
next piece of code below:

<script language="JavaScript">
function openWindow(theURL,winName,features) {

<html:link href="reportReceived.do" name=
"investigationEmploymentHistoryForm" property="map" onclick="openWindow
('reportReceived.do','','scrollbars=yes')">view Employment History Report

and it stopped working. I got the pop up without all the needed parameters
as well as going to the new page in the parent window. What am I doing


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