Hi, I had the same problem.
That was the error I could see in the browser.
But in my app logs I found more details.
I just forgot to close some tag in my struts-config file.
I corrected that and it works nicely again.

Maybe that is your problem too?


Wednesday, September 25, 2002, 3:48:19 PM, you wrote:
HS>         I am using Tiles and when I run my application
HS>         I have the following error:

HS>         javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't get definitions factory from
HS> context. 
HS>         javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't get definitions factory from
HS> context.        
HS>         at
HS> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContextImp
HS> l.java:471)     
HS>         at org.apache.jsp.index$jsp._jspService(index$jsp.java:96)      
HS>         at
HS> org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:107)

HS>         I work with Struts1.1b2, my config file is the following:


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