I'm new to this list, so forgive me if this question has been posted

Yesterday my Struts application stopped working.  I finally traced the
problem to the following line in struts-config.xml:

<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
          "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN"

Apparantly the Apache domain was unavailable for awhile on the web and this
caused the parser to hang.  (I was surprised not to see any mention of this
anywhere.  I would have thought that Struts apps all around the world would
have stopped working.)

To fix the problem I placed a copy of struts-config_1_0.dtd in the same
directory as struts-config.xml and changed the reference to:

<!DOCTYPE struts-config SYSTEM "struts-config_1_0.dtd">

When I start the application, I get a parser error stating that it can't
find the resource in the directory that the VM (i.e. Weblogic) was started
from.  According to the XML spec, the SYSTEM specifier should tell the
parser to look for the resource in a path relative to struts-config.xml, in
this case - the same directory.  Anyone have any insight into this?


Jeff Lowe
Software Architect
CELT Corporation
199 Forest St.
Marlboro, MA 01752

508-624-4474 x1237

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